Tech 1 – Aeon Defenses


Tier 1 point defense turrets all serve the same purpose: they chew up enemy T1 land units, and don’t really do anything past that. They’re a big strain on your early economy, but if you can guess where the enemy will attack, you have a good chance of getting more than your money’s worth from the turret. Unlike bigger Aeon guns, these tiny arcing lasers rarely miss and still do plenty of damage.

The Erupter Point Defense, Aeon Tech 1 Defensive Building in Supreme Commander.

Erupter Stats

Armor: 850hp
Cost: M250, E2000, T250
Intel: sight: 24 (469m)
Physics: size for adjacency: 4
Veterancy: 15, 30, 75, 150, 300 kills
– veteran level 2: +213 hp,
– veteran level 4: +213 hp,
– veteran level 5: repair 2 hp/s

Erupter Weapons

Graviton Projector (Direct Fire):
– 150.00 dps,
– range: 30 (586m)
projectile weapon: 100 damage
rate of fire: 1.5 (every 0.67s)
– veteran level 1: +25 damage,
– veteran level 3: +25 damage


Unlike T1 mobile anti-air, T1 turrets can actually shoot down enemy aircraft if you build enough of them. If you suspect the opponent of either going for an early bomber / transport strike or teching up and sending in gunships, build a bunch of these. Just a few turrets can convince the opponent that it’s not a good idea to take to the skies.

Seeker Stats

Armor: 1200hp
Abilities: Amphibious
Cost: M200, E2000, T250
Intel: sight: 24 (469m)
Physics: size for adjacency: 4
Veterancy: 15, 30, 75, 150, 300 kills
veteran level 2: +300 hp,
veteran level 4: +300 hp,
veteran level 5: repair 2 hp/s

Seeker Weapons

Sonic Pulse Battery (Anti Air):
14.40 dps,
range: 44 (859m)
projectile weapon: 3 damage x 3 projectiles = 9 damage per salvo
rate of fire: 1.6 (every 0.63s)
veteran level 1: +1 damage,
veteran level 3: +1 damage


Walls don’t count against your unit limit, but you can select and Ctrl-K them if you want to make an entryway. Walls really aren’t very effective except as a way to slow units down, as most units will simply shoot over the top of them anyway. If you’re on a hill, they might give you some protection, but you might just want to build them a little back from the cliff edge in that case.

The Wall Section, Aeon Tech 1 Defensive Building in Supreme Commander.

Wall Section Stats

Armor: 4000hp
Cost: M2, E10, T10


Tech 1 radar isn’t very useful on land, because you have Land Scouts anyway. Instead, build one where you want to upgrade it later, and then when you get an excess of energy at tech level 2, build yourself a T2 radar, which actually has uses in intelligence gathering.

The T1 Radar System, Aeon Tech 1 Defensive Building in Supreme Commander.

T1 Radar Stats

Armor: 10hp
Abilities: Upgradeable
Cost: M80, E720 (-20), T80, build rate: 10
Intel: sight: 20 (391m), radar: 115 (2.25km)
Physics: size for adjacency: 4


Tech 1 sonar is like tech 1 radar: so small as to be almost useless, especially since frigates have a decent sonar range. Once you upgrade it, though, it can actually give your torpedo launchers the edge.

The T1 Sonar System, Aeon Tech 1 Defensive Building in Supreme Commander.

T1 Sonar Stats

Armor: 500hp
Abilities: Upgradeable
Cost: M64, E544 (-10), T80, build rate: 10
Intel: sight: 20 (391m), sonar: 115 (2.25km)
Physics: size for adjacency: 4


A Torpedo Launcher is basically an immobile, well-armored, floating sub. Don’t expect it to defend against decent ships any more than T1 point defense will stop T2 land units, but it’ll at least take down a few subs. Aeon’s torpedo launchers are less effective than their subs, but they can still be useful, just don’t build too many of them.

The Tide Torpedo Launcher, Aeon Tech 1 Defensive Building in Supreme Commander.

Tide Stats

Armor: 4700hp
Cost: M600, E4000, T500
Intel: sight: 24 (469m), sonar: 32 (625m)
Physics: size for adjacency: 4
Veterancy: 5, 10, 25, 50, 100 kills
veteran level 2: +1175 hp,
veteran level 4: +1175 hp,
veteran level 5: repair 2 hp/s

Tide Weapons

Chrono Torpedo (Anti Navy):
225.00 dps,
range: 32 (625m)
projectile weapon: 450 damage
rate of fire: 0.5 (every 2s)
veteran level 1: +113 damage,
veteran level 3: +113 damage

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